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New school houses spark wave of competition

Sam Fickle

The newest dynamic of The King’s Academy has spawned a recent wave of excitement. With the addition of the school house system, students have more motivation to get involved in school activities and show more spirit.

Each student was randomly assigned into one of the four houses: Pi, Theta, Delta and Sigma. Students were randomly sorted into houses, later being informed during lunch the week after fall break through labeled envelopes. students. Once sorted into their house, students remain there until graduation. The houses will compete throughout the school year, motivated by both an undetermined prize and the glory which accompanies the first place title.

“I think the housing system that TKA has given us is a great way to show team spirit,” said sophomore Jamie Gruwell. “It has been lots of fun, and I have had fun competing with my friends.”

The school houses were introduced to encourage school unity and friendly competition. In a year full of uncertainty and restrictions, the Student Leadership Council wanted to incorporate something new and exciting. The idea was originally devised by Student Programs Director, Mrs. Sandra Breaden with help from Mrs. Ashley Smith, one of the guidance counselors. While many other schools have had systems like this, the house system is the first idea of this kind at The King’s Academy.

“My hope is that the houses will unify the high school sessions and help out all our clubs with their service projects,” said sophomore representative Maddy Hoerl.

Teams can earn points through many various activities. So far, points have been earned through participating in events and projects such as Beta donations, spirit days, pep rally games and attendance, Powder Puff competitions and a Verve quiz. Student Leadership is trying to incorporate the point system into as much as possible to provide consistent competition. While many more games and ideas for house points are to come, larger competitions are limited due to COVID-19 safety restrictions.

“This year is going to be super fun,” said Hoerl. “A few of the things we have planned for house points include a field day, picture scavenger hunt, and a chalk competition.”

Each house has its own crest and symbol as a biblical reference. The emblems, which include a helmet, breastplate, sword and shield, represent pieces of the armor of God. House names are Greek letters that represent the original Greek words found in the Bible describing the armor. The letters are defined as the following, Pi means Pisteos, or faith; Theta means Theos, or of God; Sigma means Soterios, or salvation; Delta means Dikaios, or righteousness.

“I personally think it’s a phenomenal idea,” said sophomore Seth Smith. “I have been at King’s all of my life, for nearly 11 years, and I’ve never seen anything like it. The TKA house system brings a new type of excitement on campus. I can’t wait to see who wins and what the house system grows into the next couple of years.”


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