In order to make this year’s homecoming more special and enjoyable for students, the varsity cheer coach, Valerie Bone, decided to organize a pre-game pep rally. The event was carefully planned so that students and teachers could be involved and engaged.
The pep rally began with a performance from the varsity cheerleaders and faculty, including Jen Smathers, Jessica Case, Pamela Camp, Courtney Osbourne, Shannon McGahee, Tina Barker, Kim Singer and Angela Crevar. The faculty learned a routine for the event, including a short dance, cheer, and simple stunt. Following the performance, Garrett Watkins announced this year’s Homecoming Court. The Student Leadership Council organized a game for houses to points. A teacher was selected from each house by administration, and students competed to see who could wrap them in toilet paper the fastest. Theta was victorious in the competition, winning 300 points for their house.
“I was so excited when Theta won the toilet paper game, and I was so proud of my house member, Joe Wages, for winning the competition,” said Beth Ely. “He was so enthusiastic and volunteered himself, leading us home to victory.”
For the grand finale, four students, Livia Stetson, Abigail Hayes, and Rylee Gravitte pied their respective house staff members in the face. Garrett Watkins, Jennifer Smathers, Kristen Cundiff and Sandra Breaden proudly represented their houses as the pie face victims.
Pi won 300 points for having the most students present at the pep rally.
