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Student’s passion for music opens leadership roles

Ashleigh Ward

Freshman Joy Johnson helps lead worship at First Baptist Woodstock.

photo provided by Joy Johnson

Freshman Joy Johnson sings O Holy Night at First Baptist Woodstock during a Wednesday night church service.

photo provided by Joy Johnson


Prayer has opened doors for freshman Joy Johnson to minister to others through worship. Johnson has pursued her passion for singing since a young age and has grown in her faith as a result.

Having a family history full of musical talent, Johnson joined a children’s choir from kindergarten to seventh grade, where she learned how to harmonize, sing solos and lead worship.

“My grandma sang opera when she was younger, and my mom has always been able to sing. I feel like they got me interested in it,” Johnson said. “I started singing at church because I wanted to be a worship leader, and I watched what [the worship leaders] did growing up and wanted to be a part of that.”

As a follower of Christ, Johnson has a special connection to Christian songs and artists. She experiences a feeling of complete serenity in her heart. Johnson feels that whenever she is stressed or anxious, she can sing a hymn and feel the Holy Spirit flooding her with an overwhelming peace.

“I usually feel very nervous and shaky before performing,” Johnson said. “But once I remind myself who I am worshiping and why I am worshiping, then I calm down, relax, and have fun. It is always important for me to remind myself I am worshiping God, not trying to impress other people watching me.”

Johnson attends First Baptist Woodstock, where she sings in Kids Place (a younger kids church service) and their Wednesday night high school services. She has also been given the privilege of singing on Sundays.

In August, Johnson contacted the music department and shared her testimony. They put her on the calendar to sing once every couple months.

“It is extremely rare for freshmen to sing, so even getting to have the opportunity to worship was a huge answer to prayer,” Johnson said.

Participating in the first TKA group of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) has also given Johnson opportunities to participate in leading worship on campus.

“It has been really cool to be the first group that has been a part of FCA at King’s, and there was definitely a process in getting it set up. I was not the only one doing it. Everyone in charge has a job, and we share the responsibilities," Johnson said.

Leaning on Philippians 4:13 and Mark 12:30, Johnson felt the Lord calling her to do a Bible study for the girls in her class.

Inspired by the Ward’s Bible study, Johnson prayed about how she could live out “the great commission.” He faithfully answered her prayer: worship Him and live to glorify Him.

Johnson hopes to continue using her talents to share the love of Christ and plans to become a teacher, following wherever He leads.

“Instead of deciding what you want to do with your life right away, ask the Lord what He wants you to do, and He will show you and walk you through the journey,” Johnson said. “Ask Him, ‘Lord, open my eyes to how you want me to serve you.”


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